There are members who shy away from personal training, unsure of what they’ll get out of the experience or whether it’s worth the money. Wherever you are in your exercise journey, a trainer may be just what you need to take you to the next level of fitness.

You Don’t Know Where to Start. Knowing how to set up a complete workout that includes cardio, strength training and flexibility can be overwhelming. Considering the time and knowledge this takes you may quit before you even start. This is where a trainer can be the biggest help. He can help you maximize your time while keeping you within your own limits so you don’t overdo it and also help you set goals and setup a specific schedule for your workouts.

You Want Supervision and Support During Your Workouts. You may know how to exercise and even know how to do the exercises correctly, but a trainer can supervise/oversee and give you support. If you’re lifting very heavy weights, a trainer can spot you.

You Need Accountability. There’s nothing like a standing appointment. Even when you don’t have a session, your trainer will be asking if you did your planned workouts on your own. Knowing that may make it harder to skip your workouts.

You Need Motivation. There will be days when you don’t feel like working out. Trainers come with built-in motivation.

You’re Not Seeing Results. If you’ve been exercising consistently for several months and aren’t losing weight or reaching your goals, hiring a trainer may be a good choice. A trainer can look at your current
program and eating habits and help you see where you could make changes to create more effective workouts. A trainer can also help you determine if the goals you’ve set are realistic for you. You may find what you are getting results, just not in the way you expected, something a trainer may see more clearly from the outside.

You Want to Learn How to Exercise on your Own. Even if your goal is to create your own workouts and exercise by yourself, hiring a trainer for a few sessions can be a great benefit for learning the right way to exercise, especially if you want to learn more about body musculature, exercises that target specific muscles and how to do exercises with the correct form.

You Have a Specific Illness, Injury or Condition. If you have specific issues (eg. Arthritis, heart disease, old injuries), working with a experienced trainer can help you find a program to help heal injuries and
avoid further problems. If necessary the trainer can contact your doctor or physical therapist.

You’re Doing the Same Old Workouts. A trainer can add variety in your workouts to minimize body adaptation and boredom. A trainer can bring a fresh perspective and new ideas. A trainer can introduce new ways to exercise (eg. Interval training, circuit training, pyramids).

You Need to Be Challenged. A trainer can motivate you to push past those self-imposed limits, encouraging you to lift heavier, go longer and challenge yourself more than you would on your own. It’s harder to slack off with a trainer.
You’re Training for a Sport or Event. A experienced trainer can help you figure out what you need to do with sports-specific exercises. Just make sure they are experienced in the sport you’re training for since
not all trainers do sports-specific training. They can create a training program for a upcoming event (eg. 10k run).